
Autopilot Local Classifieds, Yellow Pages, Business Listings

Snapspans.com is an operational, useful, lightweight, and accessible yellow pages/listings service. More complex plans are on hold while other projects (projected below) compete for development time.


Snapspans Summer Preview

Snapspans.com will be rolling in new automated features for listing updates, targeted local and industry advertising, new locations and industries, and a community feedback, news and discussion interface and link recommendation engine.

See it online by June 21st.


Small Business Advertiser Services

Snapspans has begun 2008 on a strong initial three months of simple, useful information, friendly, prompt and helpful service, and well tailored search results and commercial links.

Starting next month, a simplified method for businesses to post descriptive information and add to their listing content, as well as receive premium placement, site links and contacts, will go live for a very low price.

Snapspans receives about 30,000 visitors per month, and with new content, new link partners, and stronger search matching, traffic will grow smoothly and steadily.

Small Business Advertising is now a simple email exchange and $40.00 annually. Get it locked in now!