
Snapspans Instructions

Instructions and Explanations for Various Features

how to use
! type http://www.snapspans.com/(your query) and go! 1. select a city
2. select a category
3. make use of the (usually) very useful Google ad links on each page
3a. or use the Google powered search box on each page
4. scroll down or use your browser's find tool to get your data

Outgoing Links
Please enter your useful, relevant links to quality sites. We run all outgoing urls through a blacklist checker and an exit page, but we rely on your best judgement.

Advertiser Links
Advertiser links are available by location or subject. If you would like to suggest a category that fits your business, (and it does not yet exist--check first), please go ahead and do so, for the sake of those who come after.

About Snapspans read the FAQ
This is a site which provides both data research services and reference information. Additional applications and tools are being developed behind the scenes, over and across the current sitemap.
Please feel free to use the public resources or to request anything else which is of interest to your requirements or the general public.
Snapspans currently provides static business contact and location listings for 50 major US markets. This seed information is unadorned and limited in interactivity. Other networks and classifications are on the way.

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